I am working at the Aquaculture Biology Laboratory, Nagasaki University.
In our lab, I work together with Prof. Atsushi Hagiwara, who is the outstanding scientist on plankton ecology and live feeds for
larviculture. We use various taxa of aquatic living resources, such as
phytoplanktons, zooplnaktons, and larva and juveniles of marine fishes.
Outline of our lab is available from the pamphlet (click the photgraph).
I have been interested in the ontogeny of behavior in marine fishes with laboratory study and field survey, aiming the goal of applying these findings to larviculture and stock enhancement programs. Recent topics are; 1) investigation of fish quality for release in the tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes) juveniles, 2) function of current rips for fish juveniles such as yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata), 3) development of breeding model for marine aquaculture using different clonal lineages of the only known self-fertilizing vertebrate, mangrove-killifish (Kryptolebias marmoratus). I use many approaches such as behavior, physiology and molecular techniques, but the principle and attitude of my studies are observation of live animals and catch interesting phenomenon, then look for the biological significance and ecological meanings.